Running has always been something I thought sounded nice, like taking a walk on the beach, or reading a good book with a glass of wine. However, the actual act of running has always scared the crap out of me. Over the last 12+ years I've "tried" running a handful of times. But let me be frank, my "trying" looked more like one hard run around the block lasting all of 6-10 mins [of which I was completely ill-equipped to do] followed by an hour of struggling to breath in between puking. Leading me to swear off running [yet again] for another year or two and happily return to my sedentary life of reality TV show watching.
So to say I'm not a runner would be an understatement. However, as my 30th birthday came and went, the realization that I needed to get in shape became abundantly clear. With two young, and very active little boys at home, I need to be able to keep up with them. I need to be able to run with them, play with them, basically be the mom they need me to be, without feeling like I am going to pass out.
So for my birthday, my sweet husband gave me the book "Running Like a Girl" by Alexandra Heminsley and an awesome pair of running shoes. If you're new to running or don't think you can do it, I highly recommend Alexandra's book. It's honestly given me the kick in the pants to just get moving.
And so I did. I randomly ran approximately .4 miles and in all honesty thought I was literally dying right there on my driveway, despite taking it easy it hurt - BAD. My muscles ached, my lungs burned, my head was swimming but I did it. So then, in classic form, I took a day off. But unlike in years past, I tried again. Know what I discovered? The second time wasn't so bad. I made it further before my legs started burning and my lungs started to hurt. I didn't push it. And the third day, even further.
My goal is simple. To get in shape and be able to run a 5K. It's not a grand plan. Nothing earth shattering, but it's a start. And this blog is here more to help me remember this journey. So join me, won't you?
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